Schs 1959 Homecoming Sepia 1

Your Senior Class Reunion (1915-1965)

Artboard 1

Wednesday, October 23, 2019,
1pm - 4pm


Join the party and dance on down to the Senior Class Reunion created in collaboration with our current exhibition, We're Still Here.

Santa Cruz is home to amazing older adults who create so much good and joy in our community and beyond. In honor of all the kindness, creativity and caring our seniors have expressed throughout their lives the MAH is hosting a party, but not just any party, it's Your Senior Class Reunion.

This event welcomes all older adults born from 1915 through 1965. Adult caregivers also welcome (18+)

  • Enjoy a bite to eat and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Dance and enjoy all kinds of music with decades of hits.
  • Mix and mingle with people who went to high school during your era.
  • Pop in the photo booth to take some fun snapshots with costumes and friends.
  • Bring a retro picture of yourself in high school to share.

Limited space. Please reserve for you and an adult caregiver (if needed)

• Click here to reserve online.
• To reserve by phone call Jeff at 429-1964 x7043

Leave your name, number and how many people you are reserving for.

Wednesday October 23rd at the MAH, 705 Front Street, from 1pm-4pm.

For a free ride for seniors to the event and back home, call Lift Line at least a day in advance. 831-688-9663.

This event is related to the current exhibition We're Still Here: Stories of Seniors and Social Isolation.

Senior Class Reunion Logo 1
Check out 'We're Still Here'
Experience what social isolation feels like in this powerful exhibition created by 186 seniors in our community.
View the Exhibition

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For a free ride for seniors to the event and back home, call Lift Line at least a day in advance.


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